Friday, February 12, 2010

Updates from the Poodles Part 3: Fridge Shopping

Just after all of the Chi-wa-wa's left our fridge started having pee pee accidents. We are not sure what was wrong but it was 8 years old and momma though it was time for it to retire anyways. So it was fridge shopping time!!!
(Please excuse my cow lick...I tried everything it just wouldn't lay straight)
No...that one is not right.

No...not big enough.

Wait...I think we have it!

Yes sir, we will take that silver one right there. Put it on the truck and send it to the house.

Well two days later they arrived with the new silver fridge and it works great. Plus it dosen't have pee pee accidents.

Well...Now you all are caught up on what has happened in our neck of the woods since the new year. Momma says that we are going to take a break from fostering to get back to normal. February holds many events so we are going to have fun. Momma has even mention meeting up with Fluffy (Jackson)....hmmm...what could she have planned?

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

P.S. During the time of the Chi-wa-wa's Bobo had a birthday....He turned 8! So Happy Birthday old man!!! He did get a birthday burger...but with 9 other Chi's...things were a bit hairy (BOL) so no pictures.


  1. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BOBO!!! Sorry your fridge peed on your floor. You did a good job of shopping for another one though. I LOVE your snow Shirt. The flakes a are BONES!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day to both of you and your two legger too.

  2. A VERY happy belated birthday to Bobo!!! That fridge shopping sounds like fun. It's an important job to find the right fridge to keep your noms at the optimum temperature!!

    Woofs and Kisses!

  3. Wooos! Happy belated barkday to Bobo... I am glad woo got a new cold box that does not leak.....
    can I play with your stuffie????
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  4. Happy belated Burfday Bobo!!! Mollie, you sure were a big help in picking out that fridge, good choice!!

    Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

  5. Happy belated Purrday to BoBo. Glad you have a new fridge with no peepee problems!

  6. Belated Happy Barkday to Bobo! Love your snow shirt Mollie.

  7. You are a very smart shopper Mollie Jo!! Congrats on your new potty trained frig!!

    and a very belated Happy Birthday to Bobo!!!


  8. Happy Birthday Bobo and enjoy the new state-of-the-art fridge.

  9. I love your cow lick. It's adorable. Enjoy a peaceful home :)

  10. Happy Birthday,Bobo - so sorry we missed it. You are so lucky to get to go in those stores to do the shopping. Looks like you had fun fridge shopping. February is going to be a big month for us too.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  11. Happy Birthday to Bobo!
    Fridges with pee pee accidents are not funny!
    Glad you got a new one!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Belated birthday wishes! Good thing you replaced that fridge before it pooped out on you! ;)


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!