Well yesterday our Silly Saturday started off with a trip to English's Sew and Vac shop. Momma's borrowed sewing machine wasn't sewing and needed to be serviced so she dropped it off. While there she decided to take the demo of an embrodery machine the shop was offering. The machine made lots of funny noises.
I got board with that quickly and took a nap. Bobo was at the Doggy Nanny's house with Uncle Puppy.

After battling the holiday traffic on I-24 we went to petsmart to get a new doggy bed for me. The one we have now in the sewing room is too small for both of us.

I love the fluffy sides...they are great to lay my head on. I slept in it on the way home. See my camo quilt? It is the one like Bobo's that momma made for me.

Then momma met the transport volunteer that was bringing up 10 puppies from Georgia. Some were going to rescue some were coming to live with us for a few days till rescue could be found.
This lil guy was literally minutes away from euthanasia. Want to know why? He "LOOKED" like a pit bull and the shelter dosen't adopt pit bulls out to the public. Isn't that aweful!!?!? Well a rescue in GA told them that he is not a pit bull but a boxer and they will take him. So this lil guy was spared.

The same rescue that pulled the boxer pup in GA also had a litter of 10 black and white puppies that they pulled a few weeks earlier. So they sent 9 of the black and white puppies and the boxer up north to start new lives. One of the Black and white puppies stayed with their foster mom as she just fell in love with him and they adopted him as a furever pet!

They said this lil fawn and white pup was from the same litter...hmmm...dosen't look like his littermates at all!

The other black and white litter siblings!

And the remaining Black and white puppies. Non of the rescues were able to accept them on Saturday so Momma said we could keep them for a few days until a rescue could be found. We got to name them Spot, Bandit, and Delilah.
After battling the holiday traffic on I-24 we went to petsmart to get a new doggy bed for me. The one we have now in the sewing room is too small for both of us.
I love the fluffy sides...they are great to lay my head on. I slept in it on the way home. See my camo quilt? It is the one like Bobo's that momma made for me.
Then momma met the transport volunteer that was bringing up 10 puppies from Georgia. Some were going to rescue some were coming to live with us for a few days till rescue could be found.
This lil guy was literally minutes away from euthanasia. Want to know why? He "LOOKED" like a pit bull and the shelter dosen't adopt pit bulls out to the public. Isn't that aweful!!?!? Well a rescue in GA told them that he is not a pit bull but a boxer and they will take him. So this lil guy was spared.
The same rescue that pulled the boxer pup in GA also had a litter of 10 black and white puppies that they pulled a few weeks earlier. So they sent 9 of the black and white puppies and the boxer up north to start new lives. One of the Black and white puppies stayed with their foster mom as she just fell in love with him and they adopted him as a furever pet!
They said this lil fawn and white pup was from the same litter...hmmm...dosen't look like his littermates at all!
The other black and white litter siblings!
And the remaining Black and white puppies. Non of the rescues were able to accept them on Saturday so Momma said we could keep them for a few days until a rescue could be found. We got to name them Spot, Bandit, and Delilah.
When we got home we got them out of their crates and noticed they all did this...