Friday, July 31, 2009
Photo Shoot Friday
Thursday, July 30, 2009
True Colors Thursday

-Mollie and Bobo
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Worded Wednesday
The new header image features Bobo at last years Dog Day at the Pool event. It was their first time in a pool (other than the dirt pond next door). Bobo knew how to swim but Mollie sunk like a rock and had to be rescued. After about 20 minutes Mollie was doing the doggie paddle. So in 17 days we will be heading back for another swim.

Pee Ess: Mollie & Bobo decided to roll in "Country Stuff" and had to have a bath. So they are sitting on the porch sunning right now. They often will turn and glare at me for bathing them. BOL
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Vick Reinstated into the NFL

Personally we feel that they should not allow him back. To my faithful readers what are your thoughts? Do you think he should be let back in to the NFL? Comment or Post on your blog Why or Why Not and explain. We want to hear what you think about this subject.
-Mollie and Bobo
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Little Something From Checkers
-Mollie Jo
(Bobo is asleep)
Sonic Saturday and Snow Sunday
I will take a banana and a cherry for the boy in the car.
-Mollie and Bobo
Pee Ess: Please ignore the dates....the camera is crazy and chages the dates each time its turned on and off.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Bevin News
Good Luck Bevin!
Lots of Licks and Wags,
Mollie and Bobo
Friday, July 24, 2009
Photo Shoot Fridays
Thursday, July 23, 2009
True Colors Thursday - Emerald Edition

Lastly we have our green leaf collar (we have the leash its just not pictured above) that has some emerald leaves in it. We also have some emerald tags.
Until next time,
It's Offficial

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Whispering Wednesday
There is some big news floating around and thought I would pass it along. We just heard from Dory that Moo Moo and Baa Baa will be going across the big pond to visit Ginger Jasper in the UK.
Good Luck Moo Moo and Baa Baa
Mollie and Bobo
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Photos from our past

This photo shoot also features our Aunt Dolly (cocker spaniel) who passed away earlier this year. She was our momma's grandmother's dog and we used to walk next door everyday and play with her (or annoy depends on how you look at it).
Until next time,
Mollie and Bobo
Monday, July 20, 2009
Vacuum Torture
Hopefully there will be a next time,
Mollie and Bobo
The translation for the award is "Your Blog is a Dream"
This award came from Dory. Thanks so much for sharing this with us, its adorable! The rules are share seven beauty secrets and send it to seven blogger.
Our beauty tips:
-Cow Pies: Rub your neck in them, it is the best perfume you will ever find.
-Mud Holes: Roll around in them to keep your fur looking its best.
- Pudding and Jello make great face masks and snacks!
-Nightly beauty sleep, with a minium of 10 hours, is a must to keep us looking young.
-Snacking on greenies helps keep our toofers tartar free.
-Soliciting full body massages helps keep our muscles relaxed after a long day of squirrel patroling.
-And lastly Spa Days at the groomers.
Our next award came from Lexi and Bently from Munchkin Memoirs. Thanks! We have had our eye on this one for a while.
1- Tell everyone 10 things about you they may not know but that are true.
To be fair we are going to divide the 10 things between us.

-I am a Momma's boy and proud of it.
-I like to chase cats.
-When it thunders I hide under the bed.
-If I don't go first at the vet my anxiety builds up and I cry...Loudly!
Mollie Jo
-I know over 20 tricks but will ONLY work for food.
-I love toys and scatter them from one end of the house to the other....all day.
-At the vet I hide behind mommas pant legs and peak out to see if they are coming for me.
-I love to nap in my new pink crate.
-I have my own doggie bag (like a diaper bag) with all of my essentials for travel.
--I do allow Bobo to put his things in my bag too.