Tuesday October 20, 2009 Petsmart hosted their yearly Howl-O-Ween party from 6pm to 8pm. We have attended since 2005.
When we arrived we headed to the picture center. This little pink butterfly was just about to have her picture taken.

While waiting in line I saw ***HER***
She was a 6 month old female poodle. She takes a wonderful picture doesn't she?

Then it was our turn to have our picture taken. Mollie was a flapper and I was a purple monkey.

After pictures we got a nummy nummy bag. It had a ton of coupons and treats inside.

What is that I spot over there...

It's a banana dog!

There was a princess...
...A pirate...

...and a BIG bear!

We also spotted a pink fairy...

...a football star...

A big bumble bee...

...a tiny bumble bee...
...and a very long bumble bee. This bumble bee we knew personally. She is the pup of grandma's coworker. Oh and her name is Molly (with a Y)...Small world huh?!? She posed with her bi-ped siblings.

~~~~~~Now here is where things get interesting~~~~~~
After pictures we all headed to the training area for the judging. Each dog or cat (there were two cats...momma couldn't get their pictures) entered the training ring and had their chance to show their stuff.
Here is Mollie Jo dancing and showing off the tassels on her dress.
There were alot great entries and alot of unique costumes. Guess who won 1st prize. Miss Mollie Jo as the flapper girl! She won a $20 gift card. Momma and grandma were so excited and shocked! Because ever since we have been going the same dog (a min pin named Elvis) wins every year and in the same costume (dressed as Elvis Presley).
This is Mollie's Victory shot with her goodie bag and gift card.

Everyone came up shook her paw and congratulated her on her win. They loved her outfit and painted nails.

Mollie was a good sport and congratulated the second place winner. Elvis the min pin dressed as Frankenstein (not dressed as Elvis Presley this year).

Once all the festivities were over she did a quick wardrobe change and went shopping with her gift card. She picked out a new Halloween loofa dog toy and 2 ziggies (one for her and one for me)....isn't that sweet of her?
Then...I got to meet ***HER***. I gave her the good ol' sniff and fell madly in love. As things turned out they wanted to see Mollie and congratulate her on her win and were off again before I could get her name and pee mail. So little girl if you are out there and reading my blog...please contact me. I feel we were meant to be together.
So after the party we went to Doggy Nanny's house to tell her of the nights events. I told the stories and Mollie played with her new loofa dog toy.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Pee Ess: Signed copies of Mollie the flapper will be available on Friday for $4 each or 2 for $6.