Monday, October 10, 2011

I Met an Officer of the Law

We had gone to Hucks to get gas over the weekend and never expected to have such an exciting time!!! We pulled up to pump 3 and one pump over was a real life Police Man!

I have always wanted to meet a Police Man so Grandma got our and asked if he liked dogs and would hold me for a picture. He said he would love to!


So here is my official picture with Mr. Police Man. He was furry nice and rubbed my head! I did tell him bouts Debbie and her unfortunate "accident" with that rogue cockapoo. He said there aren't many laws to protected the stuffed furiends. Hmm Anyhoo I did enjoy getting to be held by the Police man and having my picture taken. It was soo much fun!!!

After that I had grandma pick up some doughnuts. For some strange reason I had a craving for them!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo
*Police Dog*



    You are so cute!!

  2. Oh my word, we thought he was doing a choke hold on you
    Benny & Lily

  3. Oh that was so cute. And you mean he wouldn't go and arrest Uncle Puppy for the murder of Debbie. What's wrong with this world.

    Too bad you don't live in Michigan. You could get to meet my Uncle Officer Jeff and his K-9 partner, Chase.

  4. How cool was that?? Your very own police officer!! ENJOY the donuts ok?

    Jazzi and Addy

  5. You would be a great Police Doggie! :D


  6. Hmmm. Our encounters with police people don't seem to be quite as friendly. I think that has something to do with Dad's driving! Teehee!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  7. Too bad you didn't get to share the donuts with Mr Police Man! Love the pic though!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  8. How exciting!! Your pickture is pawsome!! At least it was a friendly picture and not a mugshot!! BOL!!! Love your Halloween bloggie!

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!