Friday, December 9, 2011

Fluffy Neighbor Dog

We had some excitement today. We had a Good Samaritan find this fluffy dog running down our road. He had his leash attached and so he tied him to our porch. I guess the 4 dog heads in the window told him he would likely live here. BOL! But we have no room for more squatters! Momma took his pic and was bouts to call the neighbors when his momma drove up. His name is Fluffy and he was bouts to gets a bath and took off!!!! But he is now back with his family and probably clean now. Poor baby! BOL

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
And Tinkerbell

Pee Ess: Cross your paws for Tinkerbell she is going to the vet today to get checked out.


  1. So I thinks that you all and your Momma gots a HUGE doggie magnet under your house. It attracts doggies right to your door! BOL

    woos, Tessa

  2. At least the person that found the dog knew you guys would take the best care of the fluffy neighbor dog until his people could find him.

  3. OMD OMD... I was thinkin that it Was SANTA Paws who dropped the pretty dawg off at your house. Sort of a Pre Pressie..

    Well at least he is home now.

  4. We are very glad he is home with his momma now!! We think you must have a magnet too!! Soooo glad the test was negative!!!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  5. Oooh...An Eskimo from from Alaska! BOL Glad he's back home safe and sound and clean!

    Good luck at da vet!

  6. Fluffy why did you run away? Don't youknow Sandy Paws is watching
    Benny & Lily

  7. He looks very similar to me. Was he a gentleman doggie? Y'all are great for helping him.


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!