First we would like to say we finally sat momma down last night and got caught up on our blogging friends...Boy you all have had some great posts lately!
We will warn you this is going to be a long post...but there is lots of great things that happened this week so grab a snack, sit back, listen close.
Saturday December 5, 2009 we headed out to our Vets office. Not for shots but for a Barkzarr. When we arrived a little doxie girl was just leaving....She was all dressed up and looking fabulous!
When we walked we were greeted by the new doctor and he gave us a goodie bag. All we got was some lean treats (hmmm...not sure about this) and a tooth brush...What do you do with a tooth brush?
Goodies were out for the hoomans.
Then I met this little girl...I let her pet me as I thought that doughnut was for me...but she was called back by her momma before she could give it to me. Silly hoomans.
We mainly just people watched, snacked, and left. They did have pictures but they were very disorganized and we didn't want to wait. It was super crowded in there. On our way out we met Hurley, the vet techs standard poodle. Look how big he is!
After we left the Barkzarr we went to the Marshall County Humane Society to pawticipate in their Holiday Photos. Their office was festive.
Then I hit the jackpot...A basket of Milk bones.
Momma brings my wubba as its squeaker really gets my attention! Jackson was the official toy squeaker.
We had a few blooper shots.
Then got into the photos and really posed for the camera.

Momma took us back to the Doggy Nanny's house and went to pick up the doggies for her transport. This is Moe and Curly, two 3 month old cattle dog pups. They slept the entire way to Marion, IL. All together now ***AWWWW***
Their momma Bella. (Side story...Mommas first transport was 2 years ago this very weekend for a male red Cattle dog....for the same rescue....How cool is that?)
Sunday December 6, 2009
Tigger (Doggy Nanny's Husband) thought it would be nice to have a pizza party.
There is the pizza.
Doggy Nanny PLEASE!!!
Then we helped grandma put together her cards for her co-workers. We snoopervised made sure every card had an envelope and every envelope had a stocking and every stocking had a candy cane.
At some point during the weekend a certian white boy decided to have a few snacks. Hmmm...Who could that be?!?!?!
Monday December 7, 2009 our Internet went out right as we were making this post the first time...
It was Wednesday December 9, 2009 night before we got it back on. Momma was going crazy...But got in alot of study time for her finals. Once the internet did come back on momma finished all three finals and is done with this semester! YEA
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday momma had to go to Doggy Nanny's house to use her Internet. While at Doggy Nanny's house Jackson had to wear a diaper as she doesn't trust him. Isn't he adorable! (Those used to be Bobo's diapers when he was a wee little one)
Diaper Doga
Jackson and I napped in the office chair while momma got her internet fix. BOL
While at home we did alot of this...
I spent alot of time on the heating pad...I love the warm!
Then Friday night an adopter came by our house to meet Jackson. Momma did all of the application reviewing and proper adoption procedures. While there Mrs. Richards showed momma pictures of her dog Mopsy who is no longer with them. She held Jackson and talked to him. Jackson sniffed her and gave her little poodle kisses. After about an hour momma asked Mrs. Richards if she felt that Jackson was the right dog for her family....She said yes!!! Momma and Grandma both felt this was the best home for him. So Jackson is now living with the Richards Family in Nashville, TN. Guess what...He will get to go hiking, kayaking, biking, and camping...He is one luck dog. Mrs. Richards also brought a jacket, crate, leash and collar just in case things worked out. We heard back from her yesterday morning and she slept in the living room by the fireplace with him and he did alright. Now Jackson has his own family for Christmas!

Once Jackson left we thought we were done with dogs in our least for a week or two. Then a car came to our house and dropped off three dogs. This is my worried look!
Luckily they were only staying overnight and will be going onto rescue where they can find their forever families.
First is Clara a Catahoula Leopard dog. She was so fearful...but sweet as pumpkin pie! Momma just loved her markings.
Then we have low rider...The shelter called him a bassador but momma thinks he is a Stafford shire terrier mix. What ever he was he was sure fun to play zoomies with.

Then we have Mr. Cooper...A boxer mix. Oh grandma just loved this big boy. He was sweet and just loved going on a walk with grandma!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
They all stayed in the dog room and were crated at night.
As promised a car came to pick them all up this 6:30. They are on their way up north to freedom!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Pee Ess: We have recieved a ton of Christmas card form our wonderful blogger friends! We will blog about them tomorrow. We got 2 or more cards every single day this week! We loved going to the mail box and finding our names on most of the mail...We were wagging with excitement!
Very exciting post. You have been most busy. Hurley looks totally nekked. I hope he doesn't catch cold.
ReplyDeleteI can now see why momma wants us to pose for holiday photos. You guys look fantastic. Maybe I will meditate on letting momma get a good shot of me for next year.
So many orphan doggies finding homes. You are most wonderful to take them in and help them on their journey, but nice to have things back to normal for a bit.
I missed the photo of you getting pizza. Hmmm... I am sure you got some, right?
What a great post - we don't know where to start!
ReplyDeleteWell first of all we just love your blog background and Header pic - very festive indeed.
We think you are very lucky with a vet who gives treats to dogs and hoomans. Our vet has never given us a treat of any kind!
We have no idea what you do with a toothbrush by the way. I think it is a human obsession with white teeth or something.
That standard poodle was ginormous!
We loved the pizza party at the doggy nanny's house and were so impressed by your snoopervising the cards and stockings!
Your photo shoot was pawesome and of course you know we just refuse to cooperate with such things.
We were delighted to hear that Jackson got a new home and it sounds like a great home too - we know your mom would have been very careful.
We felt a bit worried too when you said another three dogs had arrived - we were kinda glad it was just overnight cos it can be a bit disruptive at this time of year.
Having said that Martha was with foster carers this time last year and very grateful for their kindness too!
Good work with the transport and happy transport anniversary.
Now we have probably missed out loads but we have done our best - we did enjoy your post and hope your internet problems are a thing of the past cos we really missed you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Goodness we didn't realise our reply was sooooo long!
ReplyDeleteWhat a GRRRRRRREAT post!
So much khool stuff going on!
We are happy fur 'Jackson' and the pups and the other khanines - and WOO!
Woo have special peoples in your life too!
I am very happy for Jackson! I am sure he is going to enjoy being with his new family!
ReplyDeleteI can see you have been very busy!
No internet... no fun! Glad it is back, right?
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Nice catching up with you two - and all of your friends. What an interesting, jam-packed, dog-a-liciously exciting weekend. All that in just a couple of days??? Whoo, hoo! I am like the other person who said she didn't know where to start ... suffice to say, thanks for sharing. LOVE your header pic. Glad to see you're rockin' the holiday festivities.
ReplyDeleteWow you did have a very exciting week! Makes me feel like a lazy little girl. BOL We are glad to hear Jackson found a home and just in time for Christmas too! We hope the other doggies are just as lucky.
your christmas photos are lovely. you two are very photogenic. we liked seeing the vet tech's standard poodle, but you two are way cuter!
This is a test....we've been trying and trying to leave you comments and it just won't work!!!
ReplyDeleteYAY! It worked!!! You guys lead such an exciting life!!! Look at all the stuff you did in just a couple days...parties and everything!! And you have a Doggy Nanny!! And Jackson has a new home for Christmas...the best present EVAH!!! Love your Christmas Card!!! Lady was a rescue too so we are especially glad for Jackson! XOXO Chloe and LadyBug, the NY BichonsFrises
ReplyDeleteWow, you both have been very busy. Glad mom has finished her exams and can enjoy the holidays. You both did so well with your photoshoot, now like all the bloopers we had here. And good for Jackson - sounds like he has a wonderful new home. Your mom is a dear to do all those transports and rescues - give her some snooter smoochies from us.
ReplyDeleteWoos, Phantom and Thunder
What a wonderful Christmas gift for Jackson! We are so happy for him. You guys are the bestest photo posers on the planet. I don't like to pose for photos and most of mine are just "caught". I would love to take a nap on that heating pad with you. This is my first time in the card exchange. Do most people put them on their blogs in one way or another? We don't have a scanner :o(
Wow! You guys have been busy! Congratulations to Jackson!
WOW!! Ya'll Christmas pictures are PAWTASTIC!! We just love the new blog look too! Looks like you guys had a great time out on the town too. So glad to hear that Jackson has his very own family for Christmas! He's only about 50 miles away from us! Maybe we can meet him sometime!
ReplyDeleteWoofs and Kisses!
I love your bloggie. You have a very busy life. Your sweaters are super. I am sooo glad that we have met. I will go way back and look at more of your posts.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas new furends.
What a super post today!!! YAY for jackson finding his new furrever home! By the sound of it, he's going to be one spoiled pooch! And we loved your pictures at all the pawties you attended! You sure are some popular pups! And pizza?!? Hope Doggie Nanny caved and gave you some!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Molllie Jo & Bobo
ReplyDeleteYou two have been bus poodles. Great news about Jackson.
Love Ruby & Penny
A toothbrush as a treat??? We think it's more like a torture instrument, BOL!!
ReplyDeleteWe just love your new header, you guys take pawsome pictures!! And how great that Mr. Jackson found a nice home right before Christmas, now Santa Paws will be able to find him!!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell