Now onto better news!
In other news Momma decided to move the big table from the storage room to the dressing room so that she could scrapbook and groom us where there is better sunlight avail. Then she had a bright idea....
This would be the perfect place to do photo shoots for the blog. So here is the set up...Notice the large treat tupperware that is how she gets us to pose so nicely.
Momma made another order to her favorite online boutique Here Kitty Kitty. She order us tags from the "Wild Side" collection. I think we look pawsome in the zebra!
Here are the other tags. Bobo got the zebra, girraffe and leopard print bone & I got the girraffe and zebra print heart.
Now if we ever go to the Jungle we will be ready to blend in!
And now some videos of us eating or licking ice cream for your viewing pleasure!
Pee Ess: The Fedex man came to visit us this afternoon so we have a HUGE surprise for you all tomorrow!