Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mollie Jo's Mango Minster 2011 Entry

Can you believe it is Mango Minster time again?!?!?!? Mango man we thank you for hosting this pawsome competition for us REAL doggies!

We missed out on the festivities last year due to some smelly chiwawas incoming foster dogs. This year I am throwing my hat in the ring! Can you guess what category? Thats right DIVA Doggie!
Here are the qualifying statements of a Doggie Diva straight from Mango himself.

Shameless Dogs and Doggie Divas
  1. Are there huzzy photos (gals) or lipstick photos (guys) of you peppering the internets? A couple of me rolling in the grass would qualify yes.
  2. Is your wardrobe bigger than your humans? Oh yes I have at least twice as much and they are much more fashionable!
  3. Do you allow yourself to be posed in shockingly embarrassing outfits? Yes...The crazier and more shocking the better! I love all my costumes/outfits!
  4. Will you work for (gasp) praise? Yes, I quite often work or praise alone.
  5. Do you howl and moan or head butt when some other fur kid is getting attentions? Yes I lock my self in the bedroom and bark until some one comes and "finds" me!
  6. Do you posses a crown and / or a tiara? Yes I own a jeweled tiara and crown tag!
  7. At the end of the day, is it all about YOU? Of course...My toys are scattered all over the house, momma's desktop is a pic of me, I have dog beds everywhere (butt usually am on mommas lap), dog crates line the walls, and I have my own collar/leash tote and tag bag!
Here is why I am a Doggie Diva in pictures!

My humble beginnings started out with bandannas and hair bows.

Then I started collecting collars....

...and matching tags!

After a while I began to love having my picture taken.

In true Diva fashion I LOVE to shop!

And try on clothes.

Oh the selection!

In 2008 I started modeling my wardrobe.

Love this camo dress!

I perfected my Diva head tilt and posing technique over the years.




Ta Da!
When I am not modeling I am a Diva in my everyday life too. I always eat my Popsicles in my green Popsicle holder (From Wal-e-Mart) so I do not get my paws sticky.

I have my own stroller for shopping trips...

...and my own basket on momma's scooter for rides around my neighborhood!

When ever I leave the house I am dressed to impress with floofed (Mollieism) ears and matching collar, dress, and tags.

I even have a dog tag that says I am a Doggie Diva!!!!!
(Click to biggify)

So now you see I am a true Doggie Diva. Here is my official entry picture for the Mango Minster 2011 competition.

Good Luck to all!

Wags and Licks,
The Diva Mollie Jo


  1. We will vote for you! We definitely think you should win!!! LOVE all of these pics of you Mollie Jo!!! We have that very same stroller....actually it is Chloe's...but SOMETIMES LadyBug shares it. WHERE did you find that super cool popsicle holder???? We must have one!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  2. Good luck Mollie!
    You are the pawfect diva. :)

    Loved all the pictures you beautiful girl.

    Cuddles & licks,
    Love Miley xxx

  3. Diva Doggie is the perfect category for you, Mollie Jo! Good luck to you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Good lucks to da Diva Doggie!!! (Me tinks my brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) is in love). I bets your Mommy lets you use her plastic card. My Mommy hides hers now.


  5. Wow! Well, I'm now convinced that Abby shouldn't be in the Shameless Doggie/Diva Doggie category - I think you've got that all wrapped up. Especially since you've got a name tag that proclaims you to be a Diva!!! I think I'll go back to the original plan of Abby being a Bad Sport. (And when it comes down to it, she really IS a Bad Sport...) Great entry, Ms. Diva!!!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  6. Excellent entry Mollie Jo!!! This is gonna be sooooooo much fun.. Best of Luck!!!
    Can't wait to see what BoBo will enter!

  7. I don't think anybody else even needs to enter this category. They wouldn't have a chance.

  8. Good Luck Mollie..You are the best Diva we know!!

  9. Diva Mollie - no doubt about it - lots of luck - you have a wonderful entry.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  10. Whoa. That's gonna be a hard entry to beat. The head tilt alone is a show-stopper. Carmen is entering that category too, she's gonna have some tough competition for sure!!!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  11. Mollie Jo!
    You sure are a Diva!
    Your entry is pawesome and I wish you good luck!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Oh you are the cutest little doggie and about the same size as us cats. Our dog is huge!!! We loves your outfits you are very stylish just like Daisy the Curly Cat.

  13. Wow, I am quite speechless! You truly are some diva. We haven't met before, and I suspect that you are rather out of my class (I only wear collars, and plain ones at that) but I hope you don't mind me dropping by to pay my respects!
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (trainee cracker dog).

  14. Mollie Jo, that is a pawesome entry - you are indeed a Diva, and a very pretty one if we may say so.
    Good luck
    Martha and Bailey xxxx


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!