Monday, February 21, 2011

Uncle Puppy is GONE..... the groomers...Here is why...

Yikes momma tell Mrs. Annette it is an EMERGENCY!

Uncle Puppy monster like mud!

Can't catch me I is the UNCLE PUPPY!!!!!


In other news remember the big ol' loofa dog we got Uncle Puppy for Christmas....

Here is what is left of it. Just a face. Look at Uncle Puppy in the background....All cracker like!

Doggy Nanny thinks its a cute mask. BOL BOL BOL

Even if he wasn't crowned "Cracker Dog" in Mango Minster....He is still our Uncle -CrAcKeR- Puppy


  1. Oh kitty crap, Uncle Puppy, what has you done? First da mud and den da toy. I must say..dat does make a good mask! It's even da right size. You could wears it and dey wouldn't know it was you who played in da mud.

  2. This would be why Mom likes snow that sticks and stays rather than mud. Apparently those light colored doggies attract mud... And yes, he is TOTALLY a cracker dog. I'm telling ya' - he and Abby should get together and wear each other out. Just saying...

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  3. Please don't skeer us with titles like that!!!

    hahahaha Cracker dog wear crackers bolbolbolbol

    Bobo and Meja

  4. You totally freaked me out with the blog title. I almost fainted. Phew, just an emergency day of beauty. Hehehe.


  5. We were scared, too, when we 1st read the blog title today., he is a holy mess!

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  6. Aww, it looks like he's having so much fun! I love the cracker dog picture - hilarious!

  7. I luvs mud too Uncle Puppy! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Ciara wants to know wht is wrong with mud? She thinks it is so much fun to get the paws all squishy muddy.

    Bet it won't be long before Uncle Puppy is back off to the groomer:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. Yes!
    Playing with mudd sounds pawesome! I'd love to do that!
    Aaaand... poor loofa! But I am sure it grrreat to destuff it!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. OMG, you scared us to death with that title, Mollie Jo! So Uncle Puppy hates Ritz crackers, right? Mom sure wishes that we could "wait"! Keep dreamin', mom!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!