Monday morning 0ld man winter dumped a big batch of snow on us. We got aprox. 6 inches. Mayfield which is 20 miles south of us got 9 inches. YIKES!

From our front porch all you could see was whiteness.

Kinda pretty but when a pups gotta go 6 inches under your bottom is not so nice when you are only 10inches at the shoulder. BOL

Go Blue Bobo GO!

We all piled in the car to see what was going on in the neighborhood. The windshield was quite covered in the white fluffy stuff.

As expected more white. All pups were at home (on the heat vents no doubt) and no cars but ours to be found....Except....

....Donna our mail lady. Even all the snow didn't couldn't keep her away. GO Donna Go!

All we got were bills but look at the snow build up on the box.

Hmmm....Snow a little deep for you little man?

Closing my eyes and hoping to catch a snowflake on my tongue.

Uncle Puppy had no problems with his LONG legs. It was up to my knees.

This snow was up to my chest so just call me Jumpin' JoJo

and coming in for a landing!



HH Strikes again!

Oops I think the snow is a bit deeper here. Help!

All those photos were from Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday morning the weather person told us we is getting a bunch more snow today, Wednesday. We almost called off Humphreys appointment but his appointment was at 8am and the snow wasn't expected till 8:30-9. On the way home the flurries started falling and now its coming down hard!
Today is Humphrey's Neuter and Dental day.

Weight Check: 8.2

As we waited to be called back Humphrey was all sniffin'. He thought there some great smells there.

Signing the release...

By signing that you are going to do *WHAT* to my bottom?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?! Then you are going to do what to my mouth?!?!?!?!?! I don't like this!!!!!

Lets go Bobo before they get us!

YES! The USPS. To the Pee Pee Box!

Most interesting....a USPS note....It says we has a large package to pick up.

OOOH I bet I know who is in that *FLAT* package!

And we shall end this WILD post with a lil snow art from our recently Neutered friend Humphrey. He does nice work!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Pee Ess: Just as we are pawing this post Jamie with Dogtor Flanary's clinic called and Humphrey is awake and doing good. Whew!
No one has ever referred to my pee (on snow or anything else) as "art."
ReplyDeleteYou are so smart to realize the cultural value of this... Humphrey obviously has immense talent that should be encouraged and nurtured
(that's NURtured... I know I'm too late to stop the neutering:(
Poor guy.
It is so good to see some smaller dogs enjoying the snow. What a weird weather winter Texas has had!! Glad to hear Mr. H. is doing well.
ReplyDeleteWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow - that's quite some snow you've got! glad to see you are out bouncing around in it, Mollie!
ReplyDelete*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Lots of snow EVERYWHERE!! If you would like some more, we can ship you some... Lucky for us, we are in an arctic front so we won't get any more snows this week, but high temps in the Teens... Wait... maybe want snow!!!
ReplyDeleteLicks & Puppy Kisses,
Kylie & Jimmy
At least you have sunshine with that snow.. Glad Humphrey is doing well. He looks like a good boy!
ReplyDeleteYou guys sure are getting the snow aren't you! Glad to hear Humphrey is doing well. HOpe you all get to have lots of fun with him when he feels better!
Da wittle guy will be so happys to get out of deres. As for da snow.....when will it ever stop?
ReplyDeleteGosh, look at all that Most Beautiful snow! I bet you had lots of fun jumping around and playing in it. I wish we would get some here. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Humphrey's operation went good!
Wiggles & Wags,
We are loving your beautiful fluffy snow! We wish we could join you. Our beautiful snow is all covered with thick ice. YUK!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad to hear that Humphrey is doing well.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
LOVE those Jumpin' JoJo pics! Sooo cute.