Monday, February 7, 2011

A Valentine for ME?

When I went with momma to the Post Office over the weekend I checked the P.O. Box and realized that its almost Valentines Day. I have never had a Valentine (other than my Brother, Bobo) or a secret Admirer. Wonder if 2011 will be different?

Let me look Mollie...

...No Valentines here.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Lilac


  1. Hehehee! Mom wonders what kind of looks you get from other people at the post office when there is a stuffed lamb in your PO box & you are taking pictures of it! She's used to that kind of thing too, cute post!

    Brutus & Carmen

  2. OMD we don't think Lilac would be too happy to know you showeded her buttbuttbuttbutt to the whole borneded world!!!!! hahaha

    Will you be my Valentine Mollie? - Bobo

    Bobo and Meja

  3. Oh Mollie Jo.. if me wasn't yous Judge or if me wasn't taken man (me has me Sweetie Pie's Sequoia) me would totally ask yous to be me Valentines..

    you are such a little Diva you should have no problem and me sure yous get a letter soon!

    See yous at 'da show!!

    Anakin Man

  4. Mom says there should be a package for you ANY DAY now! It must have gotten slowed up by that big storm last week. But it should be there soon!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  5. My brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) wants you to be his Valentine.....dat is, if you don't mind a short guy!

  6. Mollie Jo,

    I will be your valentine..

    xoxo Cooper

  7. I know you will have your Valentine!
    Just be patient!
    Kisses and hugs


We are wagging with excitement that you stopped by our blog!